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Online Payment Instruction-Tuition & Accommodation Fee

Release time:2020-11-20 Source: hits:


Openthe website of the School of International Cultural Exchange InternationalStudents Office ( and clickService System


Registerand sign in the system (if you’ve registered before, please sign in directly)


Click学生信息变更toinputyournationality, date of birth, andstudent ID No, then clickSubmit

4.单击“Go toPay”

ClickGo to Pay

5.单击“Check andpay”

ClickCheck and pay

6.如果付款人在中国境内且有中国的银行卡,请选择“二维码支付”(仅支持支付宝/微信/中国工商银行);否则,请选择“首信易支付”(仅支持Visa/Mastercard/American Express/JCB外币信用卡)。


Ifthe payer is in China and has a domestic bank card, please choose to pay byQRcode(Alipay/WeChat/ICBC only); Otherwise,please choose to pay byPayEase(Visa/Mastercard/AmericanExpress/JCB credit card only).

Ifyou need the invoice, please input the invoice information then clickNext.(Normally the e-invoice will be sent to the email you provided around 3 days)


Ifyou choose to pay by QR code, please scan the QR code shown on the website


Ifyou choose to pay by PayEase, please clickLogin to online bankingandpay the fees


Ifyou see the following pages, it means that your payment was completed.